Decade Savings Planner app for iPhone and iPad
Have you ever thought that if you only invest 100 dollars a year, with 30% of interest rate per year, you will get over 1 million dollars after 30 years, over 1 billion in 56 years! In the same case, if you just invest 100,000 dollars, you will be a billionaire 30 years later! By using this app, the result is clear for you to see. It is an investment/savings plan calculator, and with 1 figure changed, all related figures change correspondingly.
Long-range investments with steady interest rates(not very low) are fairly rewarding as you could see clearly with this app, and there is also a brief report for each year of your investment to make it even more clear for you to see.
This app is used for saving and investing. And preview3 is a table of the real figure which is my friend’s investment for the last 10 years.
“One year” in this app could be one period of your investing or saving - as long or short as it could be.
Good luck with your money!
- No ads.
- No in-app purchases.